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Jatamansi Essential Oil is one of the most effectiveessential oils for supporting a calm mind and balanced body. Those who sufferfrom overly active and worrisome mental habits will benefit immensely fromregular use. Also called spikenard oil, it is similar to valerian, but ispreferable because it is less dulling in its effects and has a sweeter and morepleasant fragrance. Jatamansi oil diluted in a carrier oil on the bottom of thefeet and crown before bed to promote meaningful dream states. Jatamansi is oneof the most famous and important of the Ayurvedic herbs, used for supportingdeep sleep, a calm mind, and a wide variety of other mental/emotional benefits.Spikenard oil is one of the most important herbal medicines for grief afterlosing a loved one, and can be used to anoint those who are transitioning fromlife to death. Jatamansi is a highly endangered plant due to its widespread usealong with unsustainable harvesting practices. This jatamansi oil is ethicallywildcrafted from sustainably harvested roots gathered from community forests inNepal. Sleep Deep, Dream Vividly: Use a drop of Jatamansi oil on the bottom ofthe feet and crown of the head before bed to promote a rejuvenating night ofrest and meaningful dream states. In Moments of Overwhelm & Worry: To supporta balanced, calm mind and emotional equilibrium, add one drop of jatamansiessential oil to one teaspoon of massage oil and apply to the temples orforehead during challenging times. Perhaps the easiest way to use jatamansi oilis through a simple direct palm inhalation. Place a drop of this deeply calmingoil in the palm of your hand, gently rub the palms together, bring them towardsyour face and take a deep inhalation. Blend jatamansi oil with any massage oil,such as marula or jojoba, and use in a relaxing, tranquil massage blend foryour whole body before or after a bath or shower. Add several drops and applyas a warm compress to soothe and relax any specific area of the body.