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R V Essential Pure Cedarwood Essential OilJuniperus Virginiana (100% Pure and Natural Steam Distilled)
Cedarwood Essential Oil has an earthy aroma that is soothing andgrounding. It calms the spirit and eases nervous tension. Helps calm anger andeases anxiety, embrace the feeling of being totally safe and secure withyourself as well as in your environment. As fears are released, the heart isopen to spiritual love and protection which also brings self acceptance andlove. It is traditionally used it to enhance their spiritual communication& release blocks to learning. The heart chakra expands using this oil.
Cedarwood Oil has an earthy, soothing and grounding aroma. It is knownto calm the spirit and provides relief in the nervous tension. It can embracethe feeling of calmness. Its aroma gives a sense of spiritual love as well asprotection. Traditionally, the oil is known to boost the spiritualcommunication. Cedarwood Oil has wide utility in the aromatherapy applications.It is known well to deodorize the indoor environments and enhances theconcentration. It can boost the commencement of a good quality sleep.