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08045477041R V Essential Pure PumpkinSeed Carrier Oil Cucurbita Pepo (100% Pure and Natural Cold Pressed)
R V Essential Pure Pumpkin SeedCarrier Oil- The fatty acid and plant sterol content of pumpkin seed oil mightaccount for the improved function of the bladder and urethra, which may accountfor BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) symptom relief. The nutrients in pumpkinseed oil affect kidney stone formation by reducing levels of substances thatpromote stone formation and increasing levels of compounds that inhibit stoneformation. Pumpkin seeds in history have commonly been used to treat a varietyof kidney problems as well urinary problems, gastritis and the expelling oftapeworms and roundworms.Nothing comes close to the uniqueness of our Pumpkin Seed Oil. Its one-of-a-kind flavor and nutritional benefits distinguish this oil from the competition, making it a must-have for any culinary enthusiast. Perfect for drizzling over your favorite dishes, this oil is the perfect condiment to bring out the flavors of your creations. Experience the richness of this oil and let it inspire your cooking.