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R V Essential Pure Benzoin EssentialOil Styrax Benzoin (100% Pure and Natural Steam Distilled)
R V Essential Benzoin Essential Oil- Its antidepressant, carminative, cordial,deodorant, disinfectant, relaxant, diuretic, expectorant, antiseptic,vulnerary, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and sedativesubstance. It boosts the pancreas, which in turns helps digestion. It controlsblood sugar. It improves skin elasticity, treats cracked skin, while aiding thehealing of sores and wounds and at the same time reducing redness, irritationand itching.
Benzoin Oil is known as an all-roundoil that is known for boosting the digestion and makes reduction in stress.This is needed to protect the wounds from infection. It is also known to soothedry as well as cracked skin. It can be added into many blends so as to maintaina healthy skin tone. Benzoin Oil has a sweet, vanilla-like, warm and richaroma. This is perfect to be uses in the religious ceremonies as well as makingof medicines.