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R V EssentialPure Tea Seed Carrier Oil Camellia Oleifera (100% Pure and Natural Cold Pressed)
R V Essential Pure Tea Seed Carrier Oil exerts manytherapeutic properties. It is a brilliant moisturiser. It can be used as hairconditioner which nourishes both hair and the scalp. It promotes recovery ofwounds and scrape. It protects the skin from free radical damage due to itsantioxidant. Reduces ageing due to the skin and other environmental freeradicals. It reduces inflammation on the skin. It can also be used as anemollient for dry skin and may even help with acne. It is a light, easilyabsorbed oil that can be used as a moisturiser for dry and rough spots. The oilis said to help prevent and smooth wrinkles and stretch marks and heal scars.It is also used to strengthen and promote healthy growth of fingernails bymassaging the oil into the nail.