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08045477041R V Essential Pure Passion FruitCarrier Oil Passiflora Edulis (100% Pure and Natural Cold Pressed)
Passion Fruit Carrier Oil, also known as Maracuja is an exotic carrier oilproduced by cold-pressing the seed of the fruit of the passion fruit and hasbeen used for medical and beauty purposes in tropical regions for hundreds ofyears. It is probably best known as a natural sleep aid for its strongsedative nature, however calming and relaxing properties found in the oil arealso highly valued for various health issues including muscles pains, swelling,high blood pressure and anxiety. Due to the anti-tussive and anti-asthmaticproperties found in the oil, it is widely used to ease respiratory problemssuch as asthma and bronchitis. It is a very popular natural ingredient found inmany beauty products - particularly those for matured, inflamed skin conditionsuch as Eczema. It is naturally high in Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin A&C, Calcium and Phosphorus which are all vital to maintain healthy youthfulskin. Its very light, yet emollient texture makes it ideal for skin and haircare. It nourishes, hydrate and protect the skin and the scalp whilestimulating healthy hair growth without leaving unpleasant greasiness. Whenapplied on skin, these nutrients penetrate into the skin rapidly and help torepair damaged cells, calm irritation and inflammation.