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R V EssentialPure Muskmelon Seed Carrier Oil Cucumis Melo (100% Pure and Natural ColdPressed)
R V Essential Pure Muskmelon Seed Carrier Oil contains a highlevels of linoleic, fatty acid and omega 6. The oil also contains notableamounts of oleic and palmitic fatty acids. This cold pressed muskmelon seed oilis used in skin care products to enhance the products with surprising benefitsof the muskmelon plant. It has light texture, yet it is highly moisturisingoil. It is easily absorbed in skin and can be invariably used in facial andbody massage oils, skincare and hair care products such as creams, lotions,serums, facial masks or even soap making. It is very much effective inconditions like lack of appetite, weight loss, urinary tract infections,constipation, acidity, and ulcer. It reduces heat in the body to a greatextent, relieves tiredness, enhances appetite and is an effective laxative.