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08045477041R V Essential Croton CarrierOil Croton Tiglium Linn (Natural and Cold Pressed)
Croton oil is extracted from the seeds of Croton tiglium by using coldpressed method. It is commonly known as oleum tiglii. Croton tiglium is a smalltree of Euphorbiaceae family and is native to India and Malay Archipelago.Since ancient times, croton oil is used as an active ingredient in someliniments. It can be used externally for reducing irritation and swelling.
Uses Constipation: This oilworks effectively in treating constipation. It has tendency to cause violentbowel movements of watery stools within 1 to 2 hours.Facial Peels: It is usedas an active ingredient in phenol-based facial peels. Plastic surgeons,Dermatologists and other practitioners vary the amount of croton oil in thetreatment of particular area like neck or around the eyes. In Malaysia, peopleuse this oil in soaps and lamps Other Uses:It is widely used to treat burning and redness caused by skin lesions.