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08045477041R V Essential PureCoriander Essential Oil Coriandrum Sativum (100% Pure and Natural SteamDistilled)
Coriander Essential Oil isextracted from the seeds of coriander/cilantro with the help of steamdistillation. The scientific name of Coriander is Coriandrum Sativum. Corianderessential oil consists of compounds like Borneol, Cineole, Cymene, Dipentene,Linalool, Phellandrene, Pinene, Terpineol and Terpinolene, and these are thecauses behind its medicinal properties. It is famous worldwide as a spice, andwe are aware of some its medicinal properties as well, such as its digestiveand stomachic properties. It can be used as aphrodisiac, lipolytic,antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, analgesic, deodorant, stimulant,stomachic, digestive, fungicidal, improves appetite, regulates endocrinalsecretions, cures nausea and eliminates vomiting as a symptom of manyconditions.
Coriander Oil is extracted from the seeds of coriander/cilantroand with the process of steam distillation. This essential oil consists isincluded with several compounds such as Cymene, Dipentene, Borneol, Cineole,Linalool, Terpinolene, Phellandrene, Terpineol and Pinene. This is known wellfor its medicinal properties, stomachic attributes and digestive properties.Coriander Oil is functional as an aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, carminative,lipolytic, stimulant, stomachic, depurative, fungicidal, analgesic, and others.It is recommended for many conditions.