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R VEssential Pure Copaiba Essential Oil Copaifera Officinalis (100% Pure andNatural Steam Distilled)
Some of the most important and impressive health benefits of copaiba essentialoil include its ability to reduce pain, eliminate inflammation, protect againstinfection, heal the skin, prevent fungal growth, boost respiratory health,improve the health of the skin and hair, improve bladder control, speedhealing, tighten the skin, and lower blood pressure. These are actually theeffects which it produces upon consumption, or application. Anti Inflammatory It is widely touted as the best anti-inflammatory substance.Cicatrizant promotes healing of injuries by faster formation of scar orscab Disinfectant assists in cleaning out wounds, scrapes etc to preventany infection by pathogens. Emollient fancy word for moisturizersAstringent shrinks skin tissue ( this has several cosmetic applications,as we shall see below ) Expectorant aids in expelling phlegm Anti Cancerto certain cancers, like skin cancer and stomach cancer DiureticHypotensive aids in lowering down blood pressure Anti-Irritant Copaiba EssentialOil for Skin It is absolutely amazing for getting healthier skin. In fact,copaiba oil is also generally safe to be applied in sensitive skin area , wheremost other essential oils may not be applicable. Acne Take 2 drops of this oilon a cotton ball and apply it directly (without diluting) on active acne. Itshouldn't sting. Wait for 2 3 hours. The area affected by the acnereduces considerably.
Becauseof its super anti-inflammatory power, it reduces redness around the acne,making it much less noticeable. Use this trick daily and acne should be muchless inflamed. Stretch Marks Copaiba oil can be applied directly on stretchmarks to fade them. If you feel stretch marks with adequate attention, it iseasily noticed that these are depressions in skin. Apply copaiba oil as massageoil on these scars. The depression starts to fill up in a few weeks. Use thisin conjugation with olive oil to fade away the stretch marks. Sagging SkinApply it direct on skin areas which are sagging. Copaiba oil boosts secretionof collagen and elastin to make skin firm and taut. Varicose Veins Copaiba oilis excellent for treating varicose veins. It improves blood circulation ofveins close to skin, allowing them to drain back and reduce pooled blood. Thisgets rid of varicose veins. Back joint pain and sciatica
Usedeep massage to relieve sciatica using this oil. Against Urinary IncontinenceChildren who have the issue of bedwetting, or even adults who have difficultyin controlling the flow of urine can make use of this oil. Apply this oil ingenerous amount on lower abdomen and massage. It helps to tone muscles ofbladder and urinary tract, thus reducing the incidences of incontinence.Copaiba Oil in Sitz Bath If you never heard of it, sitz bath is a bath takenfor the lower part of body only. It is used to relieve hemorrhoids and problemsof genital region, like bacterial or fungal infections. Add 8 10 drops ofcopaiba oil in sitz bath. Its mild antimicorbial properties help in getting ridof infections. It improves blood circulation and helps in hemorrhoids pain too.
CopaibaOil we offer has been extracted well with the process of steam distillation. Thisis functional as an anti-inflammatory and can deal with the wound healing. Itallows for an effective pain relief and has the capacity to fight againstseveral infections, such as gonorrhea, bladder infections and strep throat.This oil is needed to treat the infections of different types. Copaiba Oil isfunctional as an aphrodisiac and is also functional as a contraception. Thisis needed to aid the health of immune system, digestive system andcardiovascular system.